Home हिंदी #Nagpur | IGNOU offers New Programmes and Online Programmes

#Nagpur | IGNOU offers New Programmes and Online Programmes


Nagpur Bureau: The COVID-19 has brought several changes in the human life. Online activities have become daily affair and online courses are becoming more popular. In a Press Meet, Dr. P. Sivaswaroop, Senior Regional Director of IGNOU Nagpur Regional Centre shared the details of Online Programmes, New Programmes of IGNOU.

ONLINE Programmes of IGNOU:

Looking into the need of the day, IGNOU has started offering several programmes online. These online courses are very convenient for the youngsters and those who cannot spare time to attend classes. The online programmes of IGNOU include Bachelor of Social Work Online (BSWGOL), Master of Business Administration Online (MBAOL), Master of Computer Applications Online (MCAOL), Bachelor of Computer Application Online (BCAOL), MA in Journalism and Mass Communication Online (MAJMCOL), MA English Online (MEGOL), Masters in Rural Development Online (MARDOL), Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental and Occupational Health Online (PGDEOHOL), Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development Online (PGDRDOL), Certificate in French, Certificate in Spanish, Certificate in Rural Development Online (CRDOL) etc.

New Programmes starting from January 2022 session:

Dr. Sivaswaroop said that as per needs of the society IGNOU adds new programmes in every session. For the January 2022 session following are added:

MSC in Food Safety and Quality Management (MSCFSQM)

The MSC in Food Safety and Quality Management (MSCFSQM) will be two years and the maximum duration allowed will be four years. This course has been launched with the objective of developing qualified and competent human resources in the field of food safety and quality management for regulators, industry, academic/research institutions, certifying and accreditation bodies, food trade, food testing and training. Any Graduate in Science with Chemistry/ Biochemistry or Microbiology as one of the subjects or in allied sciences such as Agriculture/ Food Science/ Food Technology/ Post Harvest Technology/ Engineering/ Home Science etc. Those who completed PGDFSQM of IGNOU can join 2nd year of MSCFSQM.

The two year MA in Development Studies and MA in Corporate Social Responsibility are also on offer.

MA in Environmental and Occupational Health (MAEOH)

The Programme aims at various concepts related to general environment, environment at the work place, related hazards and evaluation of health risk assessment by providing solutions to various aspects of environmental health occupational hazard management, epidemiology, health policy and management, and environmental health promotion.

Eligibility: Graduation in any discipline, Programme Fee: Rs. 13,200/-1st year: Rs.6,600/-and 2nd year Rs.6,600/-, Duration: Minimum 2 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions. Medium of Instruction: English

PG Diploma in Agribusiness (PGDAB)

For Post Graduate Diploma in Agribusiness (PGDAB), interested candidates should have successfully completed graduation in any discipline from a recognised university. This programme will encourage entrepreneurship among farmers, intermediaries and traders, and other stakeholders in the agri-enterprise chain. It will also inculcate and develop managerial skills and develop agribusiness professionals in agriculture, food, and allied sectors.

Diploma in Horticulture (DHORT)

The Diploma in Horticulture (DHORT) has been developed with the financial support of the Ministry of Agriculture (Farmers Welfare), Government of India, and is a one-year long programme. Anyone who has successfully completed Class 12, under any recognised board, can apply for this course. The aim of this programme is to educate the secondary pass students about horticulture, make more entrepreneurs and build human resources such as supervisors, gardeners, entrepreneurs and middle technicians in the area of horticulture.

Post Graduate Diploma in Migration and Diaspora (PGDMIDI)

P.G. Diploma in Migration and Diaspora (PGDMIDI) covers both theoretical and project works. The main objectives of the programme are to impart the skills by using social science knowledge and tools to understand/ make sense of the current issues and concerns relating to global movement of people, products and ideas and hence helping various stakeholders including those who are in policy to engage more meaningfully with the world unfolding before them. Eligibility: Any Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University, Medium of Instruction: English, Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years, Fee Structure: Rs.6,100/- for full programme

BA Sanskrit Honors (BASKH)

Any 10+2 pass student can apply for admission for this programme Medium- Hindi, Fee: Rs. 11,700/- for full programme to be paid year wise @ Rs. 3,900/- per year. Fee to be paid in 1st year, including Registration Fee of Rs.200/-is Rs.4100/

BA Honors Urdu (BAUDH)

The Bachelor Honours Programme in Urdu is designed to give an in-depth knowledge in Urdu discipline while allowing for exposure to subjects beyond the discipline. MEDIUM-URDU, ELIGIBILITY-10+2 or Equivalent, FEE STRUCTURE-Rs.3900/- per year plus Registration fee of Rs.200/- at the time of admission

Certificate in Visual Arts Applied Art (CVAA)

The certificate programme in Applied Art aims to develop basic applied and design skills with creative and aesthetic understanding. MEDIUM-ENGLISH, ELIGIBILITY-10th pass, No upper age limit, FEE STRUCTURE-Rs.4,000/- for full programme

Dr. Sivaswaroop explained the Coursewise Registration and Certification Scheme (CRCS) of IGNOU: Some people may not be interested in one year or two years of study. But they are interested to update their knowledge in one or two topics like Media Ethics, Digital Media for such people, IGNOU started Coursewise Registration and Certification Scheme (CRCS). The fee per course will be 1000/- up to 4 credits and 2000/- above 4 credits.

Admission Process:

The IGNOU admission process is ONLINE. The admission portal for Open Distance Learning (ODL) is https://ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in/. The admission portal for ONLINE Programme is https://iop.ignouonline.ac.in/ . The Re-registration for the 2nd Year and 3rd Year programme students is https://onlinerr.ignou.ac.in/ . The last date for all admission for ODL Programme, ONLINE Programme and Re-registration is 10th February 2022.

He said that, in tune with National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) IGNOU has started conducting counselling classes in Marathi medium using technology. The Marathi medium classes are held through Swayam Prabha and Gyandarshan TV Channels from Pune.