On the 5th of August, aatmnirbharkhabar.com uploaded its first news online. In just 47 days, your love has brought us to the point that the visitor number of our website has increased rapidly to 5000+. By the time the news was written, this figure had been 5156. It is a matter of happiness that aatmnirbharkhabar.com is being seen in large numbers in India as well as abroad. For this love, Thank you very much.
We are being seen here abroad
Apart from India, aatmnirbharkhabar.com is being seen in USA, Brazil, UAE, Philippines, France, Pakistan, Kenya, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, Australia, UK and Singapore. It is also a special thing that our Indian brothers living abroad are seeing aatmnirbharkhabar.com in large numbers.
Special thanks to Pune
In India we are seen mostly in Pune. Our Pune team’s efforts are paying off. After this, we are getting good response in Nagpur, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Allahabad, Nanded, Mumbai, Thane and Vidarbha region.
Most viewed on Smartphone
Our website aatmnirbharkhabar.com is being seen on mostly on Smartphones. Viewers on the Computer finished second. 90 percent is being seen on Android. While 10 percent people are watching on the iPhone. Windows is being used in the third place. Chrome is the most commonly used browser. About 80 percent of the people who view aatmnirbharkhabar.com are using Chrome, 10 percent of Safari and 7 percent of people using Apple Web Kit.
Source: https://www.freecounterstat.com
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