Home Education #Nagpur | IGNOU Exams starting from 4th March 2022

#Nagpur | IGNOU Exams starting from 4th March 2022

Nagpur Bureau | The December 2021 Term-end Examinations of the Indira Gandhi National Open University for various Academic Programmes offered by the University will commence from 4th March 2022 and conclude on 11th April 2022.

The University has established 800 examination centres including 19 overseas centres and 89 centres in Jails for Jail Inmates. The offline exams are conducted across the globe including countries like Singapore, Ethiopia, Kenya, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Oman etc.

Hall Tickets (Examination Intimation Slips) have been issued to 6,76,790 eligible students who had applied for appearing in the Term-end Examinations. The hall tickets are available on IGNOU website www.ignou.ac.in.

The students may download the Hall Tickets from the University website and appear for their examinations, along with their IGNOU Identity Card. The Examination Centres have been instructed to allow students to appear in examinations even if they do not possess the Hall Ticket (Examination Intimation Slip), but their names exist in the list of examinees for these centres.In order to avail this, however, students are advised to be in possession of the valid Identity Card issued by the Unversity/Govt. during the Examination. Mobile phones and any other electronic gadgets are not permitted inside the examination halls.

All the Examination Centre Superintendents have been communicated to follow the COVID PROTOCOL issued by the Govt. of India/State Governments to contain the spread of COVID-19 while conducting the examination.

Dr.P.Sivaswaroop, Senior Regional Director of IGNOU Nagpur Regional Centre informed that under Nagpur Region 2779 students are appearing in 9 examination centres at different places like Nagpur, Amravati, Chandrapur, Wardha, Nanded, Buldhana and Gadchiroli. 2 Examination centres at Nagpur and Amravati Central Jails for jail students are also established. All the Examination Superintendents are trained and an online review meeting was also held.