Nagpur Bureau: Anjuman Nature Club (ANC) explored the beauty of Raj Bhavan Bio Divesity Park. Bombay Natural History Society arranged the excursion. Amay Pranjape (BNHS) guided about the flora and fauna of the park in the hot summer morning. Butterfly Garden, Nakshtra Van and Nature trail were the main attraction of the park. Sheikh Jawed (AHM) known Biologist, added the knowledge about Biomagnification. Abul Asrar Hamid, Birder, provided the knowledge about birds in and around the Nagpur, preening, nesting of bird, difference between bird call and song. Sharique Ahmad, Shakeel Ahmad, Mustafeez Ahmad, Shoa-ul-Hasan, Syed Mushtaque, Mohammad Muzammil were present on this occasion.