Home Health Nutrition Professor from Chennai Elected President of IAAND – A global community...

Nutrition Professor from Chennai Elected President of IAAND – A global community of dietitians representing 79 countries


Nagpur Bureau: Celebrating National Nutrition Month, Sept 1 – 30, the Nutrition and Dietetics fraternity is also celebrating election of Prof Dr Varsha, PhD RD, CCNS, CNIS – an internationally known clinical nutritionist, author, educator and researcher, currently Prof  & Co-ordinator of Bachelorette of Clinical Nutrition Program at Institute of Diabetology, Madras Medical College as the President of  The International Affiliate of Academy of Nutrition Dietetics – IAAND

IAAND, a global community of dietitians in food and nutrition related health initiatives with diverse populations, living in more than 78 countries, has over 1000 members are internationally-minded, who practice in a wide variety of setting including colleges, and universities, hospitals and clinics, industry, research and development.

To her Dietitian colleagues she advocates and urges them on the need to be equipped with 2 important aspects: Education and Training. This will enable them to follow innovative approaches, use creative thinking, be problem-solvers and work towards bringing a change to the current global nutrition-related issues.

As IAAND President, she will be participating in the world’s largest meeting of food and nutrition experts organized by Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and will be held from Oct 8-11, 2022 at Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, USA. She is also a speaker at the collaborative session of IAAND with INDMIG [Indians in Nutrition and Dietetics Member Interest Group] – Preserving Kidney Function with Cultural Plant-Based Foods: A Global Collaboration. The objective being to scientifically rationalize and abandon misconceptions wrt to prescribing plant-based diets for preserving kidney function and use the data presented as guideline/standard in computing quantum of food vis-a-vis the nutrients.

She is also Founder Chair, Indian Institute of Nutritional Sciences – IINS,  A Panel Member – World Health Organisation Guidelines for Nutrition Practices in South-East  Asia, Principle Investigator India – Diabetes in India Nutrition Guidelines Study [DINGS] & Resource Person – API Textbook of Medicine – 9th & 10th.

Recipient of Wimpfheimer-Guggenheim Fund Award for International Exchange in Nutrition, Dietetics & Management, AND, USA  & Smt Malathy Endowment Award in recognition of valuable contribution to the field of Nutrition – Woman Doctors Association, Tamilnadu, Prof Dr Varsha have extensively given messages of nutrition support during COVID Pandemic, the primary being “Eat Well – You are What You Eat” and there are “Trinity of Challenges – community nutrition, clinical nutrition and commercial nutrition that every human one faces from conception/birth, to old age, in health and disease” and so one must “Eat To Grow, Be Healthy & Heal Thyself”.

Dr. Varsha , a globally recognised & reputed Dietetian is locally connected with Community College of Technology and Research, Khadgaon as Expert in Diet counselling centre of the college.