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Education | IGNOU Admissions, New Programes and Online Classes

Nagpur Bureau: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) admissions for more than 200 Programmes to the July 2021 session are open. Dr. P. Sivaswaroop, Regional Director of IGNOU Nagpur Regional Centre informed in a Press Meet that, the last date to apply for the Online Admissions is 31st July 2021. The admissions are online and the interested candidates can apply on IGNOU Portal https://ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in/ . For Re-registration the Link is: https://onlinerr.ignou.ac.in/ and last date is 31st July 2021. The last date for submission of Re-registration Form is extended upto 31st July 2021. IGNOU also provide Fee Exemption for SC/ST students in 84 programmes for July 2021 Admission Session.

He said that IGNOU starts new courses in every Session, depending on need of the society. Some such courses are as follows:

Master of Science (Information Security) (MSCIS) is a 2 years programme open for any Graduate. The MSCIS programme Fee will be Rs. 10,800/- per semester.

Master of Arts (Entrepreneurship) (MAER) is a 2 years programme open for any Graduate. The MAER programme Fee will be Rs. 7,500/- per year.

Master of Arts (Drawing and Painting) (MADP) is a 2 years programme. Eligibility of program is BFA/BVA/BA (Drawing and Painting) OR Bachelor Degree in Animation/Design/Fashion Technology/Textile/ any allied subject. The MADP Programe fee will be Rs. 8250/- per year.

Dr. Sivaswaroop explained about IGNOU Online activities to support students. Due to COVID-19 conditions, IGNOU has increased the online activities. All the Admission process, Re-registration, Counselling Classes, exam form submission etc. are made online. The study material is also made available in Digital form under e-gyankosh. IGNOU offers fee concession, if students opt for Digital Study Material. Online classes are held through Gyan Darshan, Swayam Prabha, TV Channels, Gyan Vani Radio etc. During lockdown, the students are confined to houses and there is lot of communication gap between students and institution. To reduce this gap, IGNOU Nagpur Regional Centre conducts facebook live session every Sunday 5 pm with students. In addition, programme specific grievance redressal meetings are also held with students concerned. 

He stated that Indira Gandhi National Open University is conducting Term-End-Examination (TEE), June 2021 from 3rd August, 2021 for the final year/final semester students of Master’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Post-Graduate Diploma, Diploma and Certificate Programmes subject to – fulfilling the University norms on admission year and registration validity period. Accordingly, only those students of Master’s, Bachelor’s, PG Diploma/Diploma and Certificate Programmes who have registered for the final year/semester of their Programme and who have submitted the Examination Form (for TEE, June, 2021) are eligible to appear in the TEE to be conducted in August, 2021. Hall tickets for eligible students will be available on IGNOU website during July last week. All precautions, as per guidelines given by Government of India will be followed, while conducting exams. Dr. Sivaswaroop assured the students that those who are unable to appear in the August exams, University will specially allow them to appear in December 2021 exams. Exam fees paid will be adjusted for subsequent exams. The exams of Intermediate Year/Semester will be held in December 2021.